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Razorcake Magazine gives "Capitol Lies" a Review

Razorcake Magazine give "Capitol Lies" a Review in issue 129!

Wanna thank Rev. Norb for giving our CD a listen and a write up!

SKISM: Capitol Lies: CD

New York street punk with a nice, crunchy feel to it, and decent enough tunes that you don’t feel like you’re being held hostage by some random loudmouth while he yells his half-formed dumbass world views in your face, which is what street punk often feels like to me. The singer doesn’t sound like he’s fully comfortable with singing in the studio yet, and I’m not so sure I’m on board with their cover of “Runaround Sue” (shouldn’t there be a change in the bridge?), but, just when you start maybe I’ve heard it all before, from completely out of left field, the pound you upside the head with “You,” which sounds like the kinda ‘70s bovver boy lost junkshop stomper that Jason as Just Add Water Records would be falling all over himself to reissue if he found it on a fifty-year-old single at the Utrecht Record Fair. Like, how the fuck did these guys turn into the Hammersmith Gorillas? Cool fuckin’ song, interesting band. BEST SONG: “you.” BEST SONG TITLE: “Join the Hate Club.” FANTASTIC AMAZING TRIVIA FACT: I’m pretty sure the lyric sheet is the first place I’ve ever seen the phrase “make ends meats” in print. Is that like when you go to a barbecue joint and order the burnt ends? – Rev. Norb (Rotten Bastard,

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