Skism has been hitting the studio, so expect some new songs coming soon.
we also have a show coming up on Sunday, March 10th at the Kingsland in Brooklyn!!!
So we're also using that opportunity to work on the setlist and get in some practice.
If you can make it March 10th, you'll get a preview of some of the new tunes.

Sunday. March 10th, 2024 at the Kingsland in Brooklyn - 269 Norman Ave - $10.00
We'll be playing with Thru It All (who's coming in from OK), Something Bitter and Honey I’m Homeless
#skism, #skismnyc, #skismnycpunk, #Thruitall, #somethingbitter, #honeyimhomeless, #punk #Brooklyn, #kingsland, #punkrock, #rottenbastardrecords, #stayswinky